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Jupyter Notebooks

What is it?

  • seamless way to write and iterate python code to perform data analysis
  • Notebooks allows code, figures, diagrams, charts, and explanations to all be stored in one location
  • This allows developer's work to be shared, leading to collaboration and improving reproducibility
  • Additionally, Jupyter Notebooks is free of charge, improving equity in data analysis and software development
  • When new notebooks are created prebuilt docker containers are used to put the notebooks at their own path

How does it work?

  • The basis for Jupyter Notebooks is IPython, a command line shell for writing code in the terminal
  • Juputer Notebooks allows this code to be written and iterated in the browser through the use of the ipykernel
  • lines of code can be run all at once or one at a time
  • Jupyter Notebooks supports mulitple languages, most common is python
  • Allows storage of code and inclusion of Markdown files for notes and documentation
  • when new notebooks are created prebuilt docker containers are used to place the notebooks on their own paths



  • the kernel is specific to the programming language, this project will be in python
  • process that supports the notebook to execute the written code
  • Juptyer team maintains the ipykernel, but other user maintained kernels are available for use


  • the cells are the main contents of the notebooks and are where code is written
  • markdown cells can be created to store notes and info on code
  • green = code running
  • grey = code not running

Last update: 2023-08-08