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(6/5 - 6/9) Training Week: This past week I went through Training Week with KEYS. Although it was a lot of information for one week I learned a lot about many things, from science literacy to Git Bash coding. I also got to work with Dr. Swetnam on the groundwork for my github website so that on monday I can start working on my project asap. We also started talking about project ideas, and I am looking into the idea of doing a project related to COVID-19 tracking.

(6/12): Today I worked on solidifying my project. I found datasets from the first breakout of COVID-19 and from the Cholera outbreak in London that was investegated by Jhon Snow. It took me a while, but once I found them I started looking into what it would take to create a heat map of the data. I struggled a bit with how to get the data into a platform where I could start to mess with it, but I am going to work on that more tomorrow. I also completed the KEYS assignments for this week that I could.

(6/13): Today I looked at enviornments and how to use python in codespaces. I had an issue for most of the morning because I was working on the wrong repository (before I made a new one) and it was confusing as to where I did and did not have things installed. But I worked with Dr.Swetnam this afternoon to set up a new repository that will work better. Additionally, I have been having troubble changing my css file for this website, but I finally figured it out today and changed some things. I also looked into other heat maps, and it seems like there is a lot of options out there. Tomorrow I am planning on working with some of those different heat maps in jypter notebooks along with looking at how those are different/similar to what I want to make.

(6/14): Today I went to my first science seminar with KEYS. After that I worked on KEYS assignments and wrote my Introduction. In the afternoon I worked on codespaces and tried to get my enviornment to a place where it could run a heat map, but there is something wrong with the python that I am going to have to troubbleshoot. I got help from Dr. Swetnam and we got Chat GPT to write a code for a heat map. We also created a set of fake data to test it, and when running jupyter labs on his computer it worked. Tomorrow I need to work on getting my datasets into the program and fixing my conda enviornment so it can actually run it on my computer.

(6/15): Today I started by working on my enviornment. After running the right commands it would not open the right enviornment and it kept telling me to run 'git init'. It took a really long time for me to figure out what was wrong, but in the end I had to use the 'git init bash' command and then I was able to open my enviornment. After that I worked on getting my data uploaded and I was actually able to create a heatmap for the COVID-19 data I had gathered that was accurate. Unfortunatly I was unable to get my Cholera data to generate right, because the code itself didn't have the information I needed (it was in meeters not in longitude and lattitude). Even so, I ended up annotating my jupyter notebook and I am at a good spot. Next week I am going to work on either obtaining new data or attempting to change the Cholera data along with making my jupyter notebook visable on my website.

(6/20): Today I worked on making mu jupyter notebook viewable on my website. With the help of Chat GPY I was able to figure out how to make the notebook into HTML so that you could see it on the website. The only issue I ran into was that I need to make a website for the repository so that I dont need to copy every notebook over. Other than that I worked a little on data collection for a new set of data but I had a hard time finding a dataset anf I realised i need a very specific instance of illness because otherwise there is no accurate datasets. I am going to work on that and the jupyter notebooks tomorrow.

(6/21): Today I went to our second Science Seminar with KEYS. When I was done with that I worked on having my jupyter notebook be acessable. At one point I had it working so it would open the html file on its own, but would remove you from the website. I wanted to make it so that I could embed it in the website however, so I worked on that. I was able to make it embed in the website, but unfortunatley there was a 404 error that I am now having troubble fixing. I am not entierly sure what is wrong, but I hope to work on it more tomorrow. I also found a great collection of data on, but it is going to take me a bit to sort through it and find what I need.

(6/22): Today I continued working on making my jupyter notebook acessable on my website. I also found some good datasets on, I just need to write a program that will change states, cities, and counties into loongitude and lattitude coorsinates. With my jupyter notebook I got it to where when you clicked on one of the things in the nav tree it would download the notebook file, but that is not how I wanted it to work. I spent the morning and some of the afternoon getting it to the point that in codespaces when I used mkdocs serve it would show the right view of my jupyter notebook, but when I went to push the changes I made to my github website it failed. It kept saying 'error mkdocs-jupyter' was not installed, even though I put it in the requirements.txt file and it said it was downloaded when we ran pip freeze to check the installed packages. I eneded up sitting with Michele for 2 hours trying to make it work, but we could not figure it out. That is the first thing I am going to work on next week.

(6/26): Today I was finally able to make all of my code work. I was able to get the Jypyter Notebooks to render using a .gitignore file (I am not entirely sure why that worked). I also have been thinking that I needed to find a new set of data because the Snow data was in X and Y not in Longitude and Latitude, but using Chat GPT I was able to figure out that it was in British National Grid or BNG which I was then able to create a code and change it to Longitude and Lattitude. This meant that I was able to complete both maps and notebooks today. I then worked on some visual isses of opacity in the maps along with some KEYS assignments.

(6/27): Today I started by wraping up my main project. I finished much earlier than we expected so I have a lot of time to expand on my initial project. In the afternoon I met with Michele and we decided that from here I'm going to work on makingmy COVID-19 map more complex by evaluating the data from the origin until current reports. Once that is done, I will work on machine learning and seeing if there's a way to track illness trends in relation to Google search trends. This afternoon I worked on the COVID-19 data and I was able to find a data set but it was organized by country not my longitude and latitude and I had a really hard time trying to fix that. I think what I need to do is make sure that the geopy that I'm using is the right version because I think ChatGPT may have given me an older version. I'm going to work on that tomorrow.

(6/28): Today I went to my KEYS Seminar and then when I was done i worked on my new heatmap. I was able to create a fake dataset and have it make a map. It populated the scroll bar for the dates and a guide for the heatmap, but it did not load a map or a heatmap. I have no idea why that is, but I am going to work on that tomorrow.

(6/29): Today I worked on finishing my keys assignment for this week and starting working on my poster. I also looked at some coding issues I was having. Next week I am going to work on finishing my poster and KEYS Slam, and also work on a new heatmap with a slider, adding boxes that explain where the data I am getting is from on my maps and adding a guide for intensity of cases (maybe look into HTML?)

(7/3): Today I looked at the code for my changing heat map. I have been having a hard time being able to make the code useable and having the code output the correct things. I looked at some videos because Chat GPT wasn't giving me enough in depth information. I plan to re evaluate my plan for the last few weeks on Wednesday. I also have some visual changes to make to my original heatmaps and many KEYS assignments to complete before the poster session. So those are top priority.

(7/5): Today after seminar I got most of my poster done and now I only really need to work on getting the final steps of my heatmap done, mostly making more understandable. I also need to work on my KEYS slam, elevetor speach and final things for my poster.

(7/6): Today I worked on my heatmaps and I was funally able to add a legend and a box in the corner explaining where the data is from, and I uploaded the new maps along with the new annotated code to my website. I was also able to get a lot done with my poster and my next goal is to work on the other data representation that needs a legend and possibly getting the heatmap completed from the origin of COVID-19.

(7/10): Toada I met with someone in Data Science to get some help with my heatmaping, unfortuanetly it did not help a lot and I still can't get the map to populate.

(7/11): Today I continued to work on the heatmap, and I was able to get it to populate at least but there was somethinhg wrong and it did not show a difference in the amount of covid cases. I think that I am going to pause work on this and work on my poster the next few days because that is due very soon and I probably will not have the heatmap done in time. Once that is done an submited I will look at the last few things I wanted to complete when I get to it next week.

(7/12-7/21): Over the last week and a half of my internship I took the time to complete my poster and KEYS Slam, then I had my presentation and Poster Session. It was an amazing experience and I have learned a lot.

Last update: 2023-08-08